What do industrial painters do? What is the difference between industrial paint and commercial?

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When you are deciding what kind of painter you need for a job it is essential that you know the difference between industrial and commercial painters. And what they do. You can then make an informed choice about what will suit your needs and ensure you end up with a successful end result carried out safely and efficiently. Here we will look at what industrial painters do compared to others and why they use the paint that they do.

What do industrial painters do? 

Industrial painters, sometimes confused with commercial painters, are painters who work within industries like construction and manufacturing. Their job is to correctly clean, paint, or varnish any surface needed in the right way. In contrast to a commercial painter, whose job is to ensure that the final product looks aesthetically pleasing and is carried out with minimal impact on the business and customers. And an industrial painter must focus on durability and safety first. 

An industrial painter will often work in a place without people, therefore able to use the higher grade paint and materials they need to do the job. What precisely this job entails depends on the circumstances and materials involved. Most industrial jobs need a thick and long-lasting coat of paint to deal with the chemicals or products that are stored in these areas. 

Some may require specific paint to prevent erosion, while others will need to be protected against sparks. The exact requirements vary but in general, the focus is on effectively and efficiently applying the right kind of paint for the job safely, and so that it will last. If you do not regularly coat your equipment, damage can occur from weather and climate. The paint will prevent it from cracking, flaking, or coming to other harm.

While industrial painters mainly focus on putting on a tough coat, this does not mean that it cannot also look good too. It just means that their priorities lie elsewhere. Commercial painters focus on doing a beautiful job without disrupting business even if that means it won’t last as long. If you want a commercial paint job done to an excellent standard then go with a professional company like Platinum 3 Painting in Brisbane. If you have a job that requires industrial painting, make sure you get the right paint and painters for the job.

What is industrial grade paint?

Industrial grade paint is a protective coating that prevents damage, erosion, or reactions from occurring. It can be used on industrial equipment of varying kinds, and in many different places, so the exact type of paint you need will depend on these and other factors. While there are many different paints out there for you to choose from based on your requirements, and they can be categorised in different ways. For example, the resin used or the additives, these are a few standard types of industrial grade paint:

  • Solvent-based paints – these kinds of paints are great for protecting equipment that will be exposed to the elements. Effective against moisture and salt, they are great for use at or near the sea, and also work against oils and some wear and tear.
  • Water-based paints – non-flammable, non-toxic, and great against corrosion. These paints are ideal for protection against rust and weathering.
  • Powder coat – protecting against the sun and UV damage, as well as chemical damage. This type of paint is preferred for the thickness it offers in its protective coating.
  • Anti-fouling – great for use on a variety of surfaces including wood, glass, and metals. This type of paint leaves your equipment and surfaces looking bright and keeps them protected for a long time.

However you categorise your paints, remember to be sure you know the right one for the job. All of these paints will protect equipment and prevent the worst damage from the weather like sunlight, humidity, erosion from salt water, and acid rain. The right paint will further brighten your equipment, and leave it protected and free from flaking, cracking, and sun fading. 

Which one will work best depends on the equipment or places you will be painting. The conditions they will be under and many other factors to consider. Always use a company that knows what they are doing and can get it done safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Is commercial grade paint good?

Depending on the job you need doing, commercial grade paint can be very good indeed. Fantastic for brightening up a room, easier to clean than standard paint, and leaving a beautiful finish. You can trust commercial painting experts in Brisbane using commercial grade paint to leave you with spectacular results. 

They often also provide better coverage and have to have fewer coats applied to stay opaque, meaning the job can be done not only better but also faster. Having the right kind of paint on your walls can instantly make a positive impression on customers and staff alike. While a neglected paint job can easily have the opposite effect. If you are looking for great aesthetics and a perfect finish then commercial grade paint is the one for you.

Commercial Painting by Platinum3painting


In painting, much like in life, you need to make sure you have the right tools for the job, and the tools you need depend very much on what you want out of this job, and what you need to achieve. For a beautiful finish in a shorter period of time, especially somewhere with lots of customers that don’t want to be disturbed, then commercial paint and painters are what you need.

If you need a protective coating that will prevent damage and other issues from occurring and are more concerned with providing a tough and long-lasting coat than being aesthetically pleasing, you need industrial painters. Armed with the right kind of industrial grade paint, they will soon have your equipment protected and safe for the longer term.