3 Reasons You Need to Know If Coffee Can Actually Help Cure a Hangover?

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After a night of overindulgence, waking up to the harsh reality of a hangover can be a miserable experience. The headache, nausea, fatigue, and dehydration can leave you searching for quick fixes to feel better. 

One common remedy many people turn to is coffee believing it will alleviate symptoms and help them recover faster. But does drinking coffee really help after a hangover or could it make things worse? 

In this article we’ll explore the relationship between coffee and hangovers, whether coffee can actually flush out alcohol, what you should avoid after a hangover and the best ways to speed up your recovery.

By understanding these factors you can make informed decisions on how to tackle your hangover and feel better as soon as possible.

Can I Drink Coffee After a Hangover?

Hangovers are an unpleasant consequence of drinking alcohol, often leaving you feeling fatigued, dehydrated, and with a pounding headache. 

Many people reach for coffee as a remedy, believing that it can help them feel better after a night of heavy drinking. But is this a good idea? Can coffee alleviate hangover symptoms, or could it make things worse?

Coffee and Hangovers: The Relationship

Coffee is a stimulant, meaning it can increase alertness and reduce the feeling of fatigue. When consumed after a hangover many people believe it will help them feel more awake and alleviate the tiredness that typically accompanies a hangover. However, the effects of coffee on a hangover are not as straightforward as they may seem.

Dehydration and Coffee

Dehydration is a main cause of hangover misery, as alcohol is a diuretic, increasing urine production and fluid loss.

Coffee also has a mild diuretic effect, which can worsen hangover symptoms like headaches and dizziness. After a hangover, it’s better to focus on rehydration by drinking water, coconut water, or sports drinks to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.

Coffee and Caffeine’s Role

Caffeine, the active ingredient in coffee, can temporarily relieve headaches and improve mood, which is helpful for hangover symptoms like headaches.

It also constricts blood vessels, which may reduce the intensity of a hangover headache. However, caffeine doesn’t speed up the process of alcohol elimination from the body.

In fact, it may make you feel more alert temporarily while masking some of the more significant hangover symptoms, leading you to underestimate the need for proper hydration and recovery.

Does Coffee Flush Out Alcohol?

Choosing coffee to sober up is a misconception. While coffee may make you feel more alert, it doesn’t speed up alcohol metabolism in the body. 

The liver processes alcohol at its own rate, typically about one standard drink per hour. Coffee doesn’t eliminate alcohol faster or improve motor skills. The only way to sober up is to give your body time to process the alcohol.

What Should You Avoid After a Hangover?

Recovering from a hangover involves more than just choosing the right beverages. It’s essential to know what to avoid during the recovery process to ensure that your body heals and you feel better faster.

More Alcohol: The Hair of the Dog Myth

Many people believe in the hair of the dog remedy, where a small amount of alcohol is consumed the morning after drinking to alleviate hangover symptoms. 

While it may temporarily mask symptoms it doesn’t tackle the root cause of alcohol toxicity and can prolong the hangover. 

Drinking more alcohol can worsen dehydration, disrupt sleep, and hinder recovery. It’s better to avoid alcohol and focus on rehydration, nutrition, and rest.

Caffeinated Drinks

Mixing caffeine with alcohol can worsen dehydration and mask alcohol’s effects, increasing the risk of drinking too much. 

Coffee is a better choice because it has less sugar and fewer additives than energy drinks, and it helps you stay alert without the health risks of mixing caffeine with alcohol.

Heavy or Greasy Foods

After a hangover, your body craves nutrients and energy, but it’s important to choose the right types of foods. 

Greasy or fried foods can be difficult for the stomach to digest, especially if it’s already irritated from alcohol consumption. These foods may also lead to further discomfort or indigestion.

Instead of reaching for fast food, focus on light, easily digestible meals that provide vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. 

A hearty breakfast with eggs, whole grains, and fruit can be a good option. Bananas and avocados are also excellent choices because they provide potassium and electrolytes that may have been depleted by alcohol.

Sugary Foods and Beverages

Sugar can lead to a quick energy spike followed by a crash, which might worsen your hangover symptoms. While it’s tempting to reach for sweet beverages or snacks, these can lead to blood sugar imbalances and increase the fatigue you feel after drinking. Instead, focus on balanced meals with a good mix of protein, fats, and complex carbohydrates.

Intense Physical Activity

While some light exercise may help increase endorphins and improve mood, engaging in intense physical activity right after a hangover is generally not advisable. 

Your body is already in a weakened state due to dehydration and the toll alcohol has taken on your system. Instead, opt for a leisurely walk or some gentle stretching. Rest is key for proper recovery.

How Can I Cure My Hangover ASAP?

While there’s no instant cure for a hangover, there are steps you can take to feel better more quickly. Here are a few strategies that can speed up your recovery process:


Drinking water, electrolyte-rich drinks (such as sports drinks or coconut water), or clear broths is crucial for replacing fluids lost due to alcohol’s diuretic effects.

Eat Light, Nutritious Meals

Focus on foods that provide hydration and essential nutrients. Foods like bananas, eggs, toast, and broth-based soups can offer both comfort and nutrition.

Take Pain Relievers

Over the counter pain medications like ibuprofen or aspirin can help alleviate headaches and muscle aches. However, avoid acetaminophen as it can be harsh on the liver, especially when alcohol is still in your system.

Rest and Recover

Getting extra sleep or simply resting in a quiet environment is one of the most effective ways to allow your body to heal and recover.

Ginger or Peppermint Tea

Both ginger and peppermint are known for their anti-nausea properties. Drinking a soothing cup of herbal tea may help settle your stomach.

Can a Hangover Last 2 Days?

In some cases, hangovers can last longer than the typical 12-24 hours. For certain individuals, especially those who drank excessively a hangover can linger for up to 48 hours. 

Factors such as the type of alcohol consumed, the amount of drinking, and individual tolerance levels all play a role in how long a hangover lasts.

If a hangover persists for more than two days, it might indicate that your body is still processing alcohol or dealing with dehydration nutritional deficiencies, or other complications. In this case it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.


In conclusion, while coffee may provide a temporary energy boost and headache relief after a hangover, it should be consumed with caution. 

It’s important to focus on rehydrating first and avoid anything that may worsen dehydration, such as more alcohol or excessive caffeine. 

Take care of your body by eating nourishing foods, getting enough rest, and allowing time for alcohol to fully leave your system.

By following these steps and avoiding common hangover pitfalls, you can make the recovery process smoother and get back to feeling like yourself more quickly.